Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why Baby Farts?

Ok, so I probably should have started off with this post.  Let me explain why I chose the name Baby Farts for my blog.  Well, for one, is there anything cuter than a baby fart?  I mean, come on! I giggle every single time our darling little 9 lb. 10 oz. daughter, with her dainty little features, scrunches her little chicken legs way up into her chest and just let's one rip.  A loud one. You can hear her farts from the other room!  But she doesn't care. It makes her feel good. She will even give a little smile when she's done. Precious.

But the real reason I chose that title comes from one tiny moment of our parenting experience so far.  When our baby was about 2 weeks old, my husband and I found ourselves in a total "what the fuck?" moment. You know those moments... It's 3am and your baby has been crying for the past 96 hours straight (ok, maybe it was 2 hours, but at 3am everything seems like an eternity!). You've tried everything; diaper, feed, burp, rock, sing, swing, swaddle... Nothing works and you are just like "What the fuck? Why won't this child get tired already?" Yup, it was one of those nights.  We were in her beautifully decorated nursery, me in the glider, screaming baby in my arms, and my husband on the ottoman facing me, feeling totally helpless. Both of us completely drained from sleep deprivation and on the verge of tears, feeling completely defeated and ready to admit that we were failures. Then, all of a sudden, baby girl lets out the loudest, longest fart you can imagine. And what do you know? She immediately calmed down right after! Just like that, one fart and all was right with the world again. My husband and I just looked at each other and laughed. For a long time. We weren't bad parents. Our baby didn't hate us. She was just gassy!

I hope other parents have moments like that. Not the screaming baby at 3am part (although it's inevitable. That will happen!), but the moments where you stop and laugh a little.  And if you can't laugh at yourself as you grow into your parent hat, I hope that you can laugh at me and the stories I share on this blog. Remember to stop and enjoy the little things, like baby farts, because before too long, your baby will grow up and her farts will start to smell. And there's nothing cute about that!

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